Contact Us

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Rare Discs is located in New Westminster, BC.

Currently the store is run out of a home and does not have in person browsing, sorry.

Reach Out

The best way to reach out to Rare Discs is by e-mail or by using the form below. We're happy to give advice on what disc to buy, chat about the products we sell, make recommendations and answer any order query. 

If you prefer to chat on the phone, please text us with your question. We'll do our best to reply quickly during business hours.


Feel free to send us a text message at this number and we will get back to you when we're in the office next.

Do not contact us with unsolicited marketing information. This is only a customer service number.

Business Hours

We usually respond to custom service queries within 12 hours. Nearly all shipments are prepared same or next day. We do not ship, fulfill orders or offer customer service on Saturdays.

Local pickup is available by appointment only. Since the shop is run out of our home, we currently do not offer in person browsing. Hopefully soon we'll have a store!

Social Media

You can also send us a message through our Twitter, Instagram or Facebook page and we'll do our best to reach out as soon as possible.

The fastest way to get in touch is e-mail or text.



Contact form