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Axiom Pixel - Electron Surf N' Disc

Axiom Pixel - Electron Surf N' Disc

2 4 0 0.5
Regular price $23.99
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Limited Edition "Surf N' Disc" Stamp

Surfing and disc golf? At the same time?! Absolutely absurd. This limited edition stamp features a disco ball surfing on the waves. It's time to Surfin' Disc.


Simon Line

The Pixel is the first putter in the Simon Line. The Pixel creates a harmonious balance between glide, shape and speed for perfect putts that together will create your game. This high glide, straight flying putter is designed to the specifications of Simon Lizotte to achieve demanding putts in competitive conditions.

This putter has buckets of glide for crushing those long putts.

Design: deep profile and straight flight, akin to the P1/P2 putters.

Electron (Medium) Plastic: Electron plastic is a base plastic with moderate durability and great grip, perfect for putting putters or discs that beat in to a straighter to understable flight.


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