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Lone Star Bayonet - Alpha Ride the Rocket

Lone Star Bayonet - Alpha Ride the Rocket

13 5 -2 2
Regular price $19.99 CAD
Regular price $24.99 CAD Sale price $19.99 CAD
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The Bayonet is Lone Star's big turney-fadey distance driver. With a high speed and a relatively neutral flight, the Bayonet is designed to maximize distance for power players while still going mostly straight (or, at least, not fading out too hard). Lower power players will find the Bayonet a great headwind driver with plenty of fade and a subtle turn.

Reach for the Bayonet when BIG DISTANCE is your main concern.

Ride the Rocket Cowboy Stamp! This limited edition stamp features a rockin' cowboy riding a coin operated rocket. To the moon? To mars? To birdies and pars? Your imagination can run wild.

Lone Star Alpha Plastic: a somewhat flexy premium plastic with excellent grip. Slow to season, but money right from the start.


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