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Streamline Parachute - Eclipse Soft Color Glow

Streamline Parachute - Eclipse Soft Color Glow

1 7 0 0.5
Regular price $27.95
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Glow Colour

Gyropalooza 2024 Limited Edition

Eugene A Cernan - Scientist Series - Astronaut Edition from Apollo XVII


The Streamline Parachute is a slow flying, straight and floaty putter that is unlike anything else currently on the market. It's dead straight, hard to turn over and floats into place. Available only in super light weights, the Parachute is easy to throw for players of all skill level. It follows design cues from ultimate and catch-and-toss disc design, but in the smaller form factor of a golf disc. A simple flick of the wrist is all that stands in the way of a super straight glidey flight.

This disc is excellent for low power players.

Please Note: According to customer feedback, Total Eclipse glows are not as bright as standard Eclipse plastic. These glows require a dedicated UV Torch to illuminate.

We've done our best to interpret and illustrate the glow colours in this listing.

Eclipse 2.0 Soft Glow Plastic: Eclipse color glow plastic is great for day or night play - with a variety of glow colours, the glow is sure to light up your night. This is the slightly softer version for better grip and a bit more flex. 


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